Amalgam Removal

If you have decided to have the amalgam removed from your teeth, you should first undergo amalgam detoxification.
What does amalgam do to the body?
Mercury acts as a cell and protoplasm poison or nerve poison.
It inhibits enzymes and denatures important proteins.
Free radicals can build up and have an aggressive effect
and play a major role in degenerative processes or the development of tumours. Furthermore,
it blocks enzymes that trap free radicals.
Mercury usually accumulates in the kidney, liver and brain and,
if found in relatively high doses, can lead to major functional disruptions.
This is why it is illegal to use amalgam in pregnant women and children under 8 years old.
There are various methods of carrying out amalgam detoxification:
- Detoxification using chelating agents based on DMPS (2.3-Dimercapto-1-propanoic sulfonic acid) or DMSA (meso-2.3-dimercapto-succinic acid); heavy metals are trapped by both the neighbouring SH-groups and eliminated from the extracellular space in the form of stable complexes and flushed out by the kidneys.
- Detoxification using orthomolecular therapy is an attempt to substitute selenium that, together with the mercury, forms mercury selenite and in so doing transforms the untrapped mercury into a non-poisonous form.
- Detoxification using bioresonance therapy looks at the characteristic electromagnetic wave spectrum of each substance and thus its atomic structure, the absorption rate of the matter is characteristic, it leads to an inversion of the vibration and interference, which results in a bioenergetic disintegration of the amalgam. The material correlate of the amalgam damage disappears as well.
- Detoxification with homeopathy and one’s own blood.
- Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonics)
Amalgam Detoxification
As a rule, we use orthomolecular therapy.
Chewing Gum Test
(Releases mercury from the amalgam filling)
Using the chewing gum test, the patient collects saliva in a test tube for 5 minutes.
Then he chews sugar free chewing gum intensively for five minutes and this saliva is also collected.
Both samples are then tested for their mercury content and calculated for the daily amount.
The chewing gum test should be carried out at least one hour after the teeth have been cleaned
or after drinking hot or acid drinks / food.
This is when mercury is at its most abrasive.
The chewing gum test is a good test to quantify a patient’s daily mercury absorption
but the mercury content in the saliva also depends on the number and condition of the fillings.
The release of mercury is activated by chewing.
Urine Test
If there is a high concentration of mercury in the saliva, a urine test should also be carried out.
After the saliva and/or urine test, the amalgam detoxification can begin.
For about a week before and up to at least four weeks after removing the amalgam, an ampoule of selenase is taken every day.
One day before, during and after removing the amalgam, three capsules of mercuval are administered daily.
Mercuval and selenase should be taken at different times.
It is sensible to administer other antioxidants such as magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E,
as these reduce the effect of the free radicals.
Drinking milk during the amalgam removal treatment can also help.
What is Mercuval?
The chelating agent 2.3-Dimercapto-1-propanoic sulfonic acid (DMPS) is a complex agent from the vicinal dithiole group.
It forms stable complexes with different heavy metals that are predominantly flushed out by the kidneys.
In particular, the DMPS process increases the excretion of existing heavy metals found in the extra cellular space in the urine.
What is selenium?
Selenium is a trace element.
Tests have shown that selenium can eliminate mercury related immunological disorders in a short period.
Selenium and mercury form an inactive complex.
By combining selenium and mercuval, mercury is flushed out more quickly than with mercuval alone.
It should be noted that with the chelat agent, trace elements can be flushed out as well, so they must be replaced accordingly.
To avoid any more mercury getting in to the patient’s body, the amalgam filling should be removed with a coffer dam in place.
It is advisable to carry out the procedure in quadrants, to keep the stress to a minimum.
The teeth should then be filled with ceramic, a metal free filling, instead of amalgam.